About Me

About Me…

How do you write an “about me” section?

You might begin to question my ability to write a blog if I can’t even write about me!

I have sat down to write this section multiple times and I have deleted it multiple times.

I have tried to write it creatively and add a little humor and that just gave me writers block.

I don’t think I’m very funny even though I secretly wish I was.

I have tried to simply write and then chaos breaks out.  You mom’s know what I’m talking about.  The baby starts crying, the kids begin bickering, dinner needs to be made and the pile of laundry needs to be folded.  Oh, and I really couldn’t come up with anything when my son was sitting by me with his (extra loud at the moment) ABC toy as he was punching each letter as fast as he could! 

I even told my husband I could write an about me in my head but somehow not on paper, or in this case, on the computer. 

Let’s start with this question.  What do I desire through this blog?   I desire for you to be blessed and encouraged, that you would feel welcomed as if you just stopped by my home, came in and took your shoes off, snuggled up on my couch as I poured you a cup of coffee or tea (or water if that’s what you like) and we spent the hours chatting about life, asking questions, laughing and maybe even crying over all that we as women go through.  The Bible would be our guide and we’d grow fast in our relationship and wish time wasn’t against us.

Life is an adventure.  I hope to find joy in the journey, and share that with you. 

What we need as women most of all is Jesus Christ!  We are His precious children!  There are so many things that bide for our time, but He deserves our first fruits, every day.  Then as we are filled with His spirit, we can face every other roll and demand that meets us, with our Helper, and He will guide our every step.  I hope to encourage you in your relationship with our Lord!

Being a wife; what a wonderful blessing, an opportunity to serve as the Lord serves.  I hope to encourage you to love your husband even if it may be hard in your situation, to respect him and find joy in doing so! 

I hope to encourage you in motherhood.  The Lord tells us that children are a blessing and that is not what you will hear from the world, even in some cases the church.  I hope to encourage you to love your children,  involve them in your life, get down on the floor and play with them, teach them how to help around the house and I hope to help you find creative crafts and games for them.  They bring such joy to life and time is slipping by all too fast, you don’t want to miss even a single moment with them.

How I love to decorate and organize, they are a couple hobbies of mine and part of who makes me, me.  Cooking on the other hand… well, that is where I’ll need encouragement (maybe even a little cheering on) from you!  I hope to step out of my comfort zone, which is not cooking, and get better at it, even involve my children in it.  I love crafts and wish I could find the 25th and 26th hour of the day for doing more of them.  Homemaking, I hope to encourage you in finding joy even in the mundane and 'always there' pile of laundry! 

Teacher, sweet teacher, godly teacher, meek and quiet spirit teacher, I have much to learn in this area, as in every other area of life as well.  I look forward to the call to homeschool my children, and even though as a mother I am always teaching my children, we have yet to enter into official school as of yet.  So this area of my blog may grow over time but I’d love to hear godly advice from you wonderful women

And then there’s life, whatever the Lord may allow to come across your path, the unknown and unexpected, the twists and turns and even the light at the end of the tunnel.  We need to be reminded, often, that this is not our home, and life is as a vapor.  We are even promised that we will have trials and tribulations but to take heart because He has overcome this world!  And so, we have a God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who created the universe and yet is a personal God and meets us right where we’re at.  He is always with us and He will never leave us no matter what, and we can sure take JOY in that! 

J.O.Y.  Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.
Because the joy of the Lord is our strength!

I am just an ordinary woman, in pursuit of an extraordinary God!  I don’t have it all figured out, really I don’t have anything figured out.  I am a work in progress, desiring for God to mold and shape me into the woman He desires me to be.  I have my off days, my bad days and the “it’s one of those days” (even as I write this my daughter is falling out the door and down the steps of our temporary home, a camper!  Don’t worry, she was okay!)  But I believe my God is bigger than all of that!  And sometimes we just need a little encouragement, a reminder that God is good, and we can chose to find joy in Him no matter what we as woman may face.

Hi, my name is Jeana!   I’m married to a wonderful man named Nathan and together we have 3 beautiful children whom the Lord has blessed us with, ages 3, 2 and a newborn.  I love being a stay at home mom and my desire is to learn to serve my family better every day.
All that being said, welcome to Worshipful Womanhood!  Please make yourself at home and join me at my blog!

Please feel free to contact me at worshipfulwomanhood@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!

Disclaimer:  I am not an English major nor a professional, I don’t claim to be an expert at the English language or writing in general.  I am just a girl who found that she enjoys blogging.  I will try my best to edit my writing and keep the grammatical errors to a minimum, but I cannot promise or even hope for perfection.  And my one request is that your comments only be uplifting and encouraging.  I know that not everyone will have the same opinions and beliefs as I do, and that is fine, but please be respectful in what or if you choose to comment.   That’s all I ask. 
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